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Seize the Fire - Three Speeches

Seize the Fire - Three Speeches
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Gathered here are three of writer Richard Flanagan's recent speeches in which he interweaves topics as diverse as troubadour poetry, love stories and the murder of the refugee Reza Barati; his top ten Tasmanian novels and the Australian Pacific solution; and his much-celebrated National Press Club address where he questioned the militarisation of Australian memory and argued for the need for formal Indigenous recognition.

Richard Flanagan’s speeches have become unique literary events attended by sellout crowds, reported in national and international media, and a spur to widespread debate and discussion.

Published: 2018
Format: softcover
Pages: 84
SKU SKU18601
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Weight 0.20 kg
Author Richard Flanagan
ISBN 9780143795322
Our price: AUD 12.99
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