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For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse
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For Better or Worse is a book describing 88 convict lives shaped by transportation to Van Diemen's Land, NSW or Western Australia, with facial images created using computer technology in the early 2000s.

This is an out-of-print book; it is in USED but generally good condition. Please contact the bookshop, Just Tassie Books at The Book Cellar, if you require additional detailed photos and description of condition before purchasing.

Softcover book
Published 2003
184-pages, indexed
SKU SKU19977
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.50 kg
Author Tony Satchell
ISBN 0646428608
Our price: AUD 24.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.18 )
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Quantity (1 available)
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