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Fight the Fiery Fiend - Colonial Fire Fighting 1803-1883

Fight the Fiery Fiend - Colonial Fire Fighting 1803-1883
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A history of how the early European settlers in Van Diemen's Land fought fires, including those on ships in the River Derwent.

Explains how Tasmania's fire brigades first formed, and what effect convict brigades had to this effect at Port Arthur. Describes bushfires, house fires and ship fires in Van Diemen's Land during the period 1803-1833.

Softcover book
Black and white photos
Published 2012
106-pages, indexed

This is an out-of-print book; it is in used but very good condition. Please contact the bookshop, Just Tassie Books at The Book Cellar, for additional detailed photos and description of condition.
SKU SKU19209
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.45 kg
Author Roger V McNeice
ISBN 9780646581040
Market price: AUD 30.00
Our price: AUD 24.95
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.27 )
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