Home :: Just Tassie Books :: An Illustrated Handbook of the Endemic Birds of Tasmania

An Illustrated Handbook of the Endemic Birds of Tasmania

An Illustrated Handbook of the Endemic Birds of Tasmania
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An illustrated handbook of the endemic birds of Tasmania is a small book about a small collection of birds who live on a small island. From the raucous black currawongs that rule the Central Highlands to the tiny 40-spotted pardalote clinging to survival in a few small pockets of Tasmania's East Coast, this book will introduce you to 14 unique and special birds that call Tasmania home. Semi-hardcover 13.5cm wide x 17.5cm tall

SKU SKU19003
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.20 kg
Author Jennifer Cossins
ISBN 9780987594655
Our price: AUD 14.95
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 1.36 )
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