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The Struggle of the Penguin Tramway and the Tasmanian iron mines

The Struggle of the Penguin Tramway and the Tasmanian iron mines
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A Tasmanian mining-related history of the Penguin tramway 1897-1910 in the north of the State, focusing on the conflict of interest between James Cole Ellis and Florence McCarthy-Clerke.

This is an out-of-print book; it is in USED but generally good condition. Please contact the bookshop, Just Tassie Books at The Book Cellar, if you require additional detailed photos and description of condition before purchasing.

Softcover stapled-binding small book
Published 2000

SKU SKU19677
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.20 kg
Author Ron Parnell
ISBN 0958828008
Our price: AUD 18.50
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 1.68 )
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