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The Imperiled Cutthroat

The Imperiled Cutthroat
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Tracing the fate of Yellowstone's Native Trout.

Yellowstone, the world’s first national park and one of America’s truly great trout fisheries, has been a crucible for ideas on how to look after wild places. Renowned Australian / Tasmanian fishing writer Greg French gives a sparkling first-hand account of how the park’s history, landscapes, wildlife, and people have touched anglers worldwide — and why this matters.

Published: 2016
Format: hardcover book with dustjacket
Pages: 255-pages
SKU SKU19074
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.80 kg
Author Greg French
ISBN 9781938340574
Market price: AUD 44.99
Our price: AUD 39.95
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