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Tasmap Tasmania North West 1:250 000 map

Tasmap Tasmania North West 1:250 000 map
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This folded map of North Western Tasmania is one of a series of 4 maps covering all of Tasmania; the individual maps cover an area of approximately 37 000 square kilometres.

Roads are symbolised to reflect their surface and importance in the state network. The shape of the ground is depicted by a combination of contours (at 100m vertical interval), hypsometric tinting and hillshading. This series of maps is recommended for regional planners or visitors to Tasmania intending to travel off the common tourist routes.

Edition 6
Published: 2020
SKU SKU18999
Quantity in stock 2 item(s) available
Weight 0.17 kg
Author Tasmap
ISBN 9318923008401
Our price: AUD 9.96
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 0.91 )
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