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Shipwrecks in Australian Waters 1622-1850

Shipwrecks in Australian Waters 1622-1850
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The waters around Australia have proved treacherous to mariners and since the wreck of the English ship Trial in 1622, thousands of vessels have been lost up to the present day.

Based on original documents, this book is the most comprehensive account to date of the circumstances of these shipping losses up until the end of 1850. Where possible information is also given on the current condition of the shipwreck sites, and any archaeological projects that have been carried out on them.

Published: 2019
Format: hardcover with dustjacket
Pages: 288-pages, indexed
21.5cm wide x 28cm tall
SKU SKU19066
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.80 kg
Author Michael Nash, Graeme Broxam
ISBN 9780992366087
Our price: AUD 59.95
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 5.45 )
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