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Vandemonians - the repressed history of colonial Victoria

Vandemonians -  the repressed history of colonial Victoria
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From award-winning author and historian Janet McCalman, the engrossing tale of Tasmanian convict settlers in colonial Victoria.

It was meant to be 'Victoria the Free', uncontaminated by the convict stain. Yet they came in their tens of thousands as soon as they were cut free or able to bolt. More than half of all those transported to Van Diemen's Land as convicts would one day settle or spend time in Victoria. There they were demonised as Vandemonians.

Published 2021
Softcover book
SKU SKU19350
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.00 kg
Author Janet McCalman
ISBN 9780522877533
Our price: AUD 39.99
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