Home :: Just Tassie Books :: Building on Firm Foundations - the Cooper Family in Tasmania - stonemasons, builders and architects

Building on Firm Foundations - the Cooper Family in Tasmania - stonemasons, builders and architects

Building on Firm Foundations - the Cooper Family in Tasmania - stonemasons, builders and architects
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This book tells the story from 1855 of five generations of the Cooper family in Tasmania and in the building trades, particularly in Hobart.

Published: 2014
Format: softcover
Pages: 243
Illustrations: mostly colour
SKU SKU18505
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.80 kg
Author Lorraine Dooley
ISBN 9780992482107
Our price: AUD 59.95
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 5.45 )
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