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Born into This

Born into This
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Adam Thompson's short stories throw light on a world of unique cultural practice and perspective, from Indigenous rangers trying to instil some pride in wayward urban teens on the harsh islands off the coast of Tasmania, to those scraping by on the margins of white society railroaded into complex and compromised decisions.

Written with a mix of humour, pathos and occasionally a sly twist as the characters confront racism, untimely funerals, classroom politics and, overhanging all like a discomforting, burgeoning awareness for both white and black Australia, the inexorable damage and disappearance of the remnant natural world.

Published 2021
SKU SKU19308
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.45 kg
Author Adam Thompson
ISBN 9780702263118
Our price: AUD 32.95
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