Home :: Just Tassie Books :: Some Small Towns and Villages around Launceston - SIGNED

Some Small Towns and Villages around Launceston - SIGNED

Some Small Towns and Villages around Launceston - SIGNED
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Artist and author, Elizabeth de Quincey, sketches scenes from selected small historic towns surrounding Launceston.

Deddington, Nile, Conara, York Town, Evandale, Bishopbourne, White Hills, Breadalbane, George Town, Lisle and Beaconsfield are all featured. The book captures the essence of these historic northern Tasmanian townships with its sketches and accompanying text.

Signed by the author.

Softcover book, published 2015, 124-pages
Black and white illustrations, indexed
SKU SKU18307
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.10 kg
Author Elizabeth de Quincey
ISBN 9780994233172
Our price: AUD 32.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.91 )
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