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The Tin Ticket - the heroic journey of Australia's convict women

The Tin Ticket - the heroic journey of Australia's convict women
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Tin Ticket tells the story of convict women discarded by their homeland and forgotten by history - who, by sheer force of will, become the heart and soul of a new Australian nation.

Tin Ticket takes us into the lives of Agnes McMillan, whose defiance and resilience carried her to a far more dramatic rebellion; Agnes's best friend Janet Houston, who rescued her from the Glasgow wynds and was also transported to Van Diemen's Land; Ludlow Tedder, forced to choose just one of her four children to accompany her to the other side of the world; Bridget Mulligan, who gave birth to a line of powerful women stretching to the present day. It also tells the tale of Elizabeth Gurney Fry, a Quaker reformer who touched all their lives.

Published: 2011
Format: softcover
Pages: 362, indexed
Illustrations: black and white
SKU SKU18775
Quantity in stock 3 item(s) available
Weight 0.60 kg
Author Deborah J Swiss
ISBN 9780425243077
Our price: AUD 29.99
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.73 )
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