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Kindred - A Cradle Mountain Love Story

Kindred - A Cradle Mountain Love Story
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Gustav Weindorfer was an Austrian immigrant; Kate Cowle came from Tasmania. He grew up beside the Carinthian Alps; she climbed mountains when few women dared. Their honeymoon glimpse of Cradle Mountain lit an urge that filled their waking hours; others might have kept this splendour to themselves, but Gustav Weindorfer and Kate Cowle sensed the significance of a place they sought to share with the world. When they stood on the peak in the heat of January 1910, they imagined a national park for all.

Kindred: A Cradle Mountain Love Story traces the achievements of these unconventional adventurers and their fight to preserve Tasmania's Cradle Mountain wilderness where they pioneered eco-tourism.

Published: 2022
Format: softcover
Pages: 256
Illustrations: black and white
SKU SKU18841
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.00 kg
Author Kate Legge
ISBN 9780522878929
Our price: AUD 34.99
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