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I Shed My Skin - A Furneaux Islands Story

I Shed My Skin - A Furneaux Islands Story
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I Shed My Skin - A Furneaux Islands Story evolved out of an exhibition of Jane Giblin’s artwork which toured Tasmania in 2019. It revolves around strangers who come to a remote land and learn how to win a living from it. Traditions and relationships to the Furneaux Islands, built since the 1890s, were consolidated across five generations. During the latter part of the 20th century significant changes had to be met.

Giblin travelled up and down the eastern seaboard of Australia interviewing her father’s cousins in addition to some senior Furneaux community members. She knew there was art to be made and stories to tell from their island lives. She sought memories of her great grandparents, feelings about the islands, and farming and birding as well as how they were acclimatising to changed land access and tradition due to successful land rights claims by local First Nations people.

Giblin’s part-collaborator on her exhibition/book is retired lecturer in geography and well-known Tasmanian writer, Pete Hay.

Hardcover book
Published 2020
22.5cm wide x 28.5cm tall
SKU SKU19122
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.80 kg
Author Jane Giblin and Pete Hay
ISBN 9780648675808
Our price: AUD 75.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 6.82 )
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