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For the Love of Food - stories & recipes from extraordinary Tasmanians

For the Love of Food - stories & recipes from extraordinary Tasmanians
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Tasmania has produced a food and wine industry which is dynamic, innovative and buzzing with life.

This beautifully designed book tells the stories of 41 Tasmanians whose lives have been shaped by their passion for food, including gourmet farmer Matthew Evans, Kirsha Kaechele (Feast Curator at MONA and wife of MONA owner David Walsh), and Luke Burgess (Garagistes).

Each person featured in the book also supplied one of their most comforting recipes, so you can discover why they live For the Love of Food.

Published: 2015
Format: hardcover
Pages: 193
Illustrations: colour
SKU SKU18669
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.20 kg
Author Helen Hayward
ISBN 9781741174809
Market price: AUD 29.99
Our price: AUD 19.99
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 1.82 )
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