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Floating Prisons - Irish Convict Hulks and Voyages to New South Wales 1823-1837

Floating Prisons - Irish Convict Hulks and Voyages to New South Wales 1823-1837
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Looking deeply into Ireland's penal administration, divided society, and the convict voyages, Anne McMahon draws conclusions that will change many assumptions about Australia, Ireland and the British Empire.

Ireland was so troubled in the 1820s and 1830s that gaols were overflowing. The loss from Ireland of thousands of prisoners was a boon to the Australian colonies flooded with involuntary Irish settlers: 61 shiploads from the hulks alone.

Published: 2017
Format: hardcover
Pages: 256
SKU SKU18666
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.70 kg
Author Anne McMahon
ISBN 9781925043341
Our price: AUD 39.95
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