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David Howie - Devil or Saint? A biography

David Howie - Devil or Saint? A biography
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A biography of David Howie, a man who became a household name in Australia in 1845 as a result of his involvement in the rescue of survivors of the shipwreck of the Cataraqui on King Island - Australia's worst sea tragedy on record.

Researched over many years in England, Scotland and Australia this book tells the story of a man who became a legend in his country of forced adoption.
This is the story of his life; his family and the era in which he grew to manhood; his court trials and subsequent banishment from his homeland; his experiences half way across the world in an unknown and feared convict colony.

Published: 2003
Format: softcover
Pages: 186
Illustrations: black & white
SKU SKU18473
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.55 kg
Author Pauline Buckby
ISBN 9781876913083
Our price: AUD 19.95
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