Home :: Just Tassie Books :: Honour Denied - Teddy Sheean, a Tasmanian Hero

Honour Denied - Teddy Sheean, a Tasmanian Hero

Honour Denied - Teddy Sheean, a Tasmanian Hero
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The story of Tasmanian, Teddy Sheean, an ordinary seaman who has been awarded a Victoria Cross for his action on board the sinking HMAS Armidale.

Author, Dr Tom Lewis, examines Sheean's extraordinary act of valour and measures it against the heroic deeds of other Australian naval personnel.

Published: 2016
Format: softcover
Pages: 347
Illustrations: colour and B&W
SKU SKU18348
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.00 kg
Author Dr Tom Lewis
ISBN 9780987151971
Market price: AUD 34.95
Our price: AUD 24.95
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