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Tourism in Tasmania

Tourism in Tasmania
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With Tasmania's significant growth in tourism has come resistance, acceptance, profit and loss.

In the past five years, questions have been raised over issues including whether Tasmania has reached peak tourism and visitor caps should be implemented; whether private development should occur within our protected areas; whether areas should be closed for visitation in order to allow revegetation and whether the benefits of tourism are equally distributed across the state. This book, written by 22 University of Tasmania academics with an interest in tourism research, presents a diverse range of perspectives on these issues.

Softcover book
Published 2020
SKU SKU19126
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 1.00 kg
Author Can-Seng Ooi and Anne Hardy
ISBN 978064875761
Our price: AUD 45.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 4.09 )
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