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Tongerlongeter - First Nations Leader & Tasmanian War Hero

Tongerlongeter - First Nations Leader & Tasmanian War Hero
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In Tongerlongeter, acclaimed historians Henry Reynolds and Nicholas Clements retrieve one of Australia’s greatest war heroes from historical obscurity. During Tasmania’s Black War of 1823-31, Tongerlongeter led the most effective Aboriginal resistance campaign in Australian history. His Oyster Bay Nation of southeast Tasmania and his ally Montpelliatta’s Big River Nation of central Tasmania embarked on 710 attacks, killing 182 colonists and wounding a further 176. First Nations casualties were up to three times greater and their population plummeted.

Militarily it was a lost cause, yet these Aboriginal warriors' determined resistance and dogged commitment to Country, culture and each other provoked desperation at every level of the fledgling colony. Tongerlongeter held his people together in the face of apocalyptic invasion, but while his achievements rival those of any Victoria Cross recipient, he is buried in an unmarked grave on Flinders Island.

Softcover book
Published 2021
268-pages, indexed
SKU SKU19341
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.80 kg
Author Henry Reynolds & Nicholas Clements
ISBN 9781742237770
Our price: AUD 34.99
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 3.18 )
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