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Housewife Superstar - used

Housewife Superstar - used
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Housewife Superstar - the Very Best of Marjorie Bligh - is the life story of eccentric Tasmanian domestic goddess, and former Campbell Town resident, Marjorie Bligh. Marjorie was the author of a library of advice books covering topics including food, household management, health and beauty, poetry, gardening and recycling, and is rumoured to have been an inspiration to Dame Edna Everage.

This is a USED book; it is in generally very good condition. Please contact the bookshop, Just Tassie Books at The Book Cellar, for additional detailed photos and description of condition.

Softcover book
Published: 2019
Colour photos
SKU SKU19044
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.55 kg
Author Danielle Wood
ISBN 9781921758850
Our price: AUD 15.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 1.36 )
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