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Convict Lives - Young Girls Transported to Van Diemen's Land

Convict Lives - Young Girls Transported to Van Diemen's Land
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Jane Smith, aged thirteen, was transported as a convict to Van Diemen’s Land for arson. Mary Ann Oseman was nine when she served her first jail sentence for theft, and was transported aged twelve. Mary Ann Little had been a prostitute for four years before being transported at fifteen.

The girls' stories, and those of 26 other girls, are told in Convict Lives - Young Girls Transported to Van Diemen's Land (subsequently Tasmania) between 1831 and 1851.

Softcover book
Published 2023
192-pages, indexed
SKU SKU19521
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.50 kg
Author Convict Women's Press
ISBN 9780648401919
Our price: AUD 30.00
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.73 )
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