Home :: Just Tassie Books :: Artificial - the life and seasons of Tasmanian fly fishers

Artificial - the life and seasons of Tasmanian fly fishers

Artificial - the life and seasons of Tasmanian fly fishers
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Greg French's Artificial is a meditative, quirky and unique collection of true stories based on the life and seasons of Tasmanian fly fishers.

All the friends, family and fish of renowned angler Greg French's life are included, described in light-hearted and yet profound short stories that celebrate everything from life and death, a fishing licence and nature.

Published: 2008
Format: softcover
Pages: 300
SKU SKU18640
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 0.50 kg
Author Greg French
ISBN 9781741107043
Our price: AUD 24.99
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 2.27 )
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