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Tasmania's Vanishing Towns - Not what they used to be

Tasmania's Vanishing Towns - Not what they used to be
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A second volume of Tasmania's lost, forgotten and vanished towns from days gone by - a book about ghost towns. Author Michael Holmes has delved deeper to find the history behind Tasmania's many towns, settlements and hamlets that have ceased to be.

Tasmania's Vanishing Towns - Not What They Used to Be is a follow up to his very popular original Vanishing Towns published in 2015 and contains all new material.

Published: 2021
Format: Softcover
Pages: 265
Illustrations: Colour and B&W
SKU SKU18398
Quantity in stock 2 item(s) available
Weight 1.20 kg
Author Michael Holmes
ISBN 9780648904548
Our price: AUD 49.95
including GST 10.00 % ( AUD 4.54 )
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Quantity (2 available)
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